Money, That's What I Want!
I know I may be at the age of showers for all of my friends and that is cool, but this co-worker shit is KILLING ME financially! I have no problem-ever buying my friends or their kids presents. I do have a problem when every damn week there is a new event that I have to ante up for. Who can afford this? Other people at my work must be feeling the pinch as well as I am? Frankly, I do have the extra $25.00 a month on average that I have to cough up but, more to the point, I dont want to give this money!
There are TWO, count them, TWO baby showers this month alone. How do I decline...that's right you don't. Especially when the 'shower' is at work! It isn't that I don't like the people. It is more the fact that I HAVE to give. I don't really have a choice.
Let me stress that I LOVE SHOPPING FOR PEOPLE, not just myself! Mostly upsetting me is that I want to buy things for my loved ones and I can't because i have to give to my works latest event.
Now for a pity-poor-Amanda part: On my birthday I received some balloons from the woman who decorates everyones cubicle and that is it. That's right...almost everyone else gets a cake, doughnuts, something. I do not. Now, I dont want to complain about not getting anything, because I was fine. I am only annoyed because I have to give for everything and i didn't even get a card. Clearly my office is just a tad clicky. I am a floater who gets along with everyone but apparently not well enough! I am either going to have to start saying NO all the time, or just start giving small amounts. Less than what they ask for. Yes, that is right, they ask for specific amounts! No-donate what you can...nope. It is more along the lines of "we are collecting for Sally Mae's baby shower, we are asking for $20.00 from everyone. Please give your money to Jane." What????
Okay, I have vented and vented and vented so I am done! I have to go shopping...
You cough up TWENTY bucks as a PART of someones gift and you did not warrant a card?
YOu should ask someone about that. Thats just odd. And mean. And sad.
; (
Just start giving away live pets. Nothing like a gerbil or a small puppy to make sure you never get invited to another party. :)
Hahahah, that is a great idea. I'm sure I'd be able to blacklist myself that way and really enjoy working!
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