prose by amanda

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

So the wonderful world of work is finally making me want to bash my head on my desk. Perhaps it is just my anxiousness for the weekend but I seriously can NOT work today.
I have written emails, blogged, made personal phone calls, looked for places to move(in a year?), read about celebrity gossip and read the news online. Intermittantly I have worked on various things. I seem to already be able to do all the work that is expected of me and still do mostly nothing allday. It may sound like a dream job to some people but when you do nothing all day it makes your days seem very very long.
The problem is that when I have nothing to do or the urge to do nothing, my mind starts going into overdrive. I think of how I need a house or how I need to go grocery shopping or how I need to get Christmas stuff finished or how I need to..... Notice the pattern? When I am bored and long for work to be over it also tends to mess with my sleep at night. Maybe because my mind isn't stimulated during the day so it isn't tired or something. I'm not sure.
Today has probably been worse because I know that I have class tonight so that means a long evening too. Well, that and the fact that Jake is at home sick. I therefore want to be home too.
Chemistry exam tomorrow and then just two more finals and I am done with the semester. I'm embarassed to type that as I should have been done with school some time ago and I feel a little old to be talking about semesters and finals. Oh well. Better finish than be embarassed when I tell everyone that I am a medical biller and NOT in school. That would be way worse. Not that there is anything wrong with being a medical biller. IT isn't for me is all. Not enough respect and not enough money. The two things I feel are the most valuable in a job.

Ok, I have put off working for far long enough. Actually, I'm going to go check my email and see if anything is new in celebrity gossip.


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