prose by amanda

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I want a new drug

It is practically decided. I am going to venture on the path to a new look!

Sure I have constantly said that I was going to do something crazy with myself and even if I did, I would change it back pretty quickly because the novelty wore off. NOT THIS TIME! I am bound and determined to grow my hair out to a shiny 'Meg White-esque' length and perhaps incorporate some short bangs. Granted, this growing of the hair will take a year or two but I must maintian my conviction. The minute I get to an ugly phase of the hair growing I give up and chop it all off. NOT THIS TIME! I will deal with it and put it in little clips and laugh about the horrors of getting a new look.

To round out the new hair style I have decided to adopt either a rockabilly sense or just go full-out yuppie. I am currently closer to yuppie than rockabilly but I have hopes that my inner cool person will shine through. I'm always one of the people who have great ideas on how things would look but is too chicken to just do it to and carry it out with the confidence I should have.

I have only lost 50-55 pounds as of today so I must up that number by at least 20 in the coming months. Sad as it is, I have this image of who I will be when I decide to finally graduate college and start a family. Until I have something in place I won't be happy. I'll feel like a failure. Perhaps hard to understand but I have to get there mentally before I can get there physically.

In truth, I have been tempted to pay the ridiculous amount of money that hair extensions cost just to see if my image is worth it. Actually, I would totally pay the money for extensions, I just will never have the will power to save up 500 bucks for hair extensions. I just wouldn't allow it.

Ok, now that I have blogged and blogged about my 'dream' look we will see how long before I either give in to my urges to go off-course or how long it will take to get there. Today is November 28,2006. The countdown starts now.


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